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GIST IPA (Office of International and Public Affairs)

게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 Subject Name Inquire reg.date Attach Files
75 2021 Daewoong Global Scholarship Program(2021.2.22.(Mon) ~ 3.20.(Sat)) Admin 1,654 2021-02-23 파일이 여러개 있음
74 GIST Covid-19 Prevention Guidelines and Changes Regarding Support for The Cost of Meals During Quarantine in The GIST Facility Admin 586 2021-02-16 파일명 : GIST Covid-19 Prevention Guidelines and Changes Regarding Support for The Cost of Meals During Quarantine in The GIST Facility.pdf
73 [SIR] 2021 GIST Essay Contest for International Students Admin 707 2021-02-08 파일명 : 2021 Essay Contast for International Students.pdf
72 Special Quarantine Measures for the Year-end and New year Holidays Admin 706 2020-12-29 파일명 : Special Quarantine Measures for the Year-end and New year Holidays.pdf
71 General Quarantine Information for Overseas Travelers Admin 333 2020-12-10 파일명 : Revised General Quarantine Information for Overseas Travelers.pdf
70 Daewoong Foundation AI & Big Data Global Scholarship Program Admin 348 2020-12-02 파일명 : Daewoong Foundation AI & Big Data Global Scholarship Program.pdf
69 Starting November 13, a fine of up to 100,000 won for not wearing masks in a public facilities Admin 367 2020-11-18 파일명 : Starting November 13, a fine of up to 100,000 won for not wearing masks in a public facilities.pdf
68 [GIC] 2020 Employment Training Program : Call for Trainees Admin 566 2020-10-19  
67 Social Distancing Adjusted to Level 1 Admin 341 2020-10-19 파일명 : COVID19 Social Distancing Adjusted to Level 1.pdf
66 Winners of the 2020 GIST International YOUTUBE contest Admin 1,135 2020-08-24