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GIST IPA (Office of International and Public Affairs)

게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 Subject Name Inquire reg.date Attach Files
65 2020 Guidebook for International Students(Eng ver.) from NIIED Admin 1,062 2020-08-12 파일명 : 2020 Guidebook for International Students(Eng ver.)_NIIED.pdf
64 Easy Practice in Everyday life Covid-19, 'Healthy Living Rules' Admin 603 2020-08-11 파일명 : 코로나19_건강생활수칙_영어.pdf
63 [SPA] 2020 GIST International Youtube Contest Admin 674 2020-07-30 파일명 : GIST영문 유튜브 콘테스트_포스터0730 (1).jpg - ALSee.pdf
62 D-2 Visa Holders Participating in Research Project Admin 221 2020-07-10  
61 Announcement for 'Study in Korea' Online Supporters Admin 1,939 2020-04-24 파일이 여러개 있음
60 Announcement on Self-Quarantine Requirements Admin 466 2020-04-24 파일명 : Announcement on Self-Quarantine Requirements.pdf
59 Failing to report carrying animal products could result in a fines of up to 10 million KRW(Viet. Pakis. Sri. Indone. Cambo.) Admin 3,116 2020-02-14 파일이 여러개 있음
58 Failing to report carrying animal products could result in a fines of up to 10 million KRW(Uzb. Nep. Монгол. Miyan. Bang.) Admin 2,630 2020-02-14 파일이 여러개 있음
57 Failing to report carrying animal products could result in a fines of up to 10 million KRW(Eng. Jap. Chi. Thai. Rus.) Admin 2,383 2020-02-14 파일이 여러개 있음
56 Human Rights Behavioral Guidelines Regarding Sexual Assault/Harassment Admin 736 2020-02-12 파일명 : 사본 -성인권-행동지침.pdf