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GIST IPA (Office of International and Public Affairs)

게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 Subject Name Inquire reg.date Attach Files
25 How to Use the Gym (W2) Admin 14 2018-02-08  
24 Academic Regulation 2018 Admin 16 2018-02-08 파일명 : Academic Regulations.pdf
23 General Guide to Extension of Status 2018 Admin 14 2018-02-05 파일명 : Att 1 20170707.docx
22 Letter of Confirmation is a MUST Admin 12 2018-02-05  
21 Letter of Financial Support and Residence Admin 15 2017-07-06 파일명 : Appication for the Letter of Financial Support and Residence.docx
20 【GIST Safety Measures for Preventing Cyber Attacks: Always Protect Your Personal Computer!】 Admin 2 2017-05-19  
19 Immigration: A List of Required Documents (2016.08.29) Admin 8 2016-08-25 파일명 : att 1 Required Documents 2016 0829.pdf
18 GIST Academic Regulations Admin 4 2016-08-25 파일명 : GIST Academic Regulations (Last Amendment, 30 March 2015).pdf
17 Status and VISA Manuals (2015) Admin 630 2016-05-02 파일이 여러개 있음
16 Important Notice on TB test requirement Admin 2 2016-04-28