LAB NAMEData-Driven Simulation and Design Optimization Laboratory
OFFICE기계공학동 S1 404호
Data-driven, variable-fidelity multidisciplinary analysis and design optimization (MADO) of aerospace vehicle systems
Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) through trajectory modeling route planning; Combinatorial optimization method for autonomous transportation system (unmanned aerial / underwater vehicles)
Large-scale unsteady aerodynamics analysis using CFD; Couple adjoint-based sensitivity for multi-physics problems; Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in time-spectral form
AI-based approximation models for physics simulation; Noisy input Gaussian process modeling; Adaptive sampling (infilling & filtering) technique for variable-fidelity analysis
2006 Stanford University, USA (Ph.D. in Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
1999 Seoul National University, Korea (M.S. in Dept. of Aerospace Engineering)
1997 Seoul National University, Korea (B.S. in Dept. of Aerospace Engineering)
2021 ~ Present Associate Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
2019 ~ 2021 Brain Pool Visiting Professor, Dept of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University
2013 ~ 2021 Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Dept of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech
2010 ~ 2013 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST);
2009 ~ 2010 Research Scientist in NASA Ames Research Center-UARC
2006 ~ 2009 Visiting Researcher in U.S. Army Aero flight dynamics Directorate
2001 ~ 2006 Research Assistant in the Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
Young Investigator Award, 1st Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum and Exhibition, Feb., 2012.
Best Paper Award, 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Sep 2004.
One of the Best Papers in Applied Aerodynamics, 45th AIAA/ASME Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibition, Jan 2004, invited for best paper swap in RaSoc, Sep 2004.
Ambassadorial Scholarship from Rotary Foundation (2000-2001)