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GIST IPA (Office of International and Public Affairs)


HANHWA Insurance Reimbursement Guide (2015/2016)

NameAdmin  Inquire649 reg.date2015-12-29
Insurance_Claim_Form.docx [16.1 KB] Itemized_hospital_bill_pharmacy_bill.pdf [1,943.2 KB]

PLEASE READ WELL the followings (I recommend you print it out because it is quite long)


1. Your Insurance Status

Hospitals can only check in their system whether you are insured with National Health Insurance (NHI) or not. Therefore hospital staff may tell you that "hey, you have no insurance (NHI)!" But, don't panic, since you have Hanhwa Insurance, which their system can't just detect. Just pay your bill in full and make a claim for reimbursement to Hanhwa later.


2. Reimbursement Claim Procedure (pls see attachments)

Hanhwa Insurance holders ①pay in full for their bills upon hospital visit ②claim for reimbursement to Hanhwa Insurance Agent ③after reviewing process (1-2 weeks) ④get reimbursed amount deposited into your bank account.

You need to submit reimbursement claim form and documents directly to Hanhwa Agent Mr. Seo via email.

-Mr. Seo's Email: sjhjjang0308@hanmail.net

-Mr. Seo's Cell #: 010-2639-3828

-Documents to submit to Mr. Seo:

1) Insurance Claim Form (FORM attached)*

2) a copy of bankbook (scanned)

3) a copy of alien registration card (scanned)

4) Itemized bills of hospital and pharmacy (scanned: SAMPLE attached)*

-Receipt showing only the amount you paid is NOT acceptable. you need to submit itemized bills with the amount you paid. (see the sample itemized bill attached)

-You may show the sample bill to the hospital staff and ask him/her to issue one for you.

-Itemized pharmacy bill is printed on your medicine envelop so you can scan and submit it

*I attached 1) and 4) for your reference

Unreimbursable areas: acnes, plastic surgery, congenital diseases, hemorrhoids, dental, pregnancy etc. (pls consult Mr. Seo for further information if necessary)


3. 200,000 won free service at Cheomdan Medical Center (CMC)

-GIST Hanhwa holders (Int'l students) are eligible for free medical service up to 200,000 won per year

-available only with referral letter from Ms. Kim, Nankyung at GIST Medical Dispensary. Pls see Ms. Kim (T. 2107) first before going to Cheomdan Medical Center.

-applicable to those who have never been insured with NHI before (if you have been insured with NHI in Korea before, you are disqualified with this service)


-Pharmacy is NOT included in this free service

-Bring your GIST ID upon visit