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Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMIL)



게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
124 Junyong Park passed PhD Defense, Congratulations Functional Protein Engineering Lab (FPEL) 820 2020-12-14  
123 Jinhwan Cho passed PhD Defense, Congratulations Functional Protein Engineering Lab (FPEL) 794 2020-12-14  
122 권인찬 교수, 산학협력 유공자 교육부장관 표창 Functional Protein Engineering Lab (FPEL) 871 2020-12-14  
121 진짜 같은 가짜, 인조의 과학 [다큐S프라임] / YTN 사이언스 Functional Protein Engineering Lab (FPEL) 1,376 2020-07-06  
120 Mijeong Bak and Junyong Park's paper has been reported Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,893 2020-04-29  
119 Jinhwan Cho and Junyong Park Congratulations! Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,323 2020-04-24  
118 Mijeong Bak and Junyong Park Congratulations! Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,152 2020-04-16  
117 Byungseop Yang and Yeseul Jeong Congratulation! Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,292 2020-03-19  
116 Jinhwan Cho and Junyong Park's JCR paper has been reported Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,346 2020-02-08  
115 Jinhwan Cho and Junyong Park, Congratulations@ Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials Lab. (BIMI 1,033 2020-01-22  
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