2004 ~ 2008 : Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Purdue University, USA
2001 ~ 2003 : M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering, GIST, Korea
1993 ~ 2001 : B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering, Hongik University, Korea
Research Experience
2012 ~ Present : Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, GIST, Korea
2010 ~ 2012 : Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
2009 ~ 2010 : Postdoctoral Associate, Purdue University, USA
2005 ~ 2012 : Visiting Scientist, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Awards and Recognitions
GIST research award (the highest impact factor, 2021.11), GIST 연구상 (최고 impact factor, 2021.11)
Received a commendation from the Ministry of Science and ICT for promoting national growth engines (2021. 3), 성장동력 추진 유공자 과학기술정보통신부장관 표창 (2021.3)
Selected for the 2020 National Research and Development (R&D) Excellence Award as one of the 100 Best Researchers (2020. 10), 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 (2020, 10)
Selected for one of the 2019 GIST's top 11 research achievements (2020. 3), GIST 11대 우수성과 (2020, 3)
Representative Achievements
1. "Kinetics of individual nucleation events observed in nanoscale vapor-liquid-solid growth", B. J. Kim, J. Tersoff, S. Kodambaka, M. C. Reuter, E. A. Stach and F. M. Ross; Science 322, 1070-1073 (2008).
2. "Reversible decomposition of single-crystal methylammonium lead iodide perovskite nanorods", Yong-Ryun Jo, Jerry Tersoff, Min-Woo Kim, Junghwan Kim, Bong-Joong Kim*; ACS Cent. Sci. (2020).
3. "Ultrafast Infrared Photoresponse from Heavily Hydrogen-Doped VO2 Single Crystalline Nanoparticles", Min-Woo Kim, Yong-Ryun Jo, Changhoon Lee, Won-Jin Moon, Ji Hoon Shim, and Bong-Joong Kim*; Nano Letters 20, 2733-2740 (2020).
4. "In Situ Tracking of Low-Temperature VO2 Crystallization via Photocombustion and Characterization of Phase-Transition Reliability on Large-area Flexible Substrates", Yong-Ryun Jo, Won-June Lee, Myung-Han Yoon*, Bong-Joong Kim*; Chem. Mater. 32, 4013-4023 (2020).
5. "Reversible Polymorphic Transition and Hysteresis-Driven Phase Selectivity in Single-Crystalline C8-BTBT Rods", Min-Woo Kim, Sooncheol Kwon, Jehan Kim, Changhoon Lee, Ina Park, Ji Hoon Shim, Il-Seok Jeong, Yong-Ryun Jo, Byoungwook Park, Joo-Hyung Lee, Kwanghee lee, and Bong-Joong Kim*; Small 1906109 (2020).
6. "Recoverable Electrical Breakdown Strength and Dielectric in Ultralow-k Nanolattice Capacitors", Min-Woo Kim, Max L. Lifson, Gallivan A. Rebecca, Julia R. Greer*, and Bong-Joong Kim*; Nano Letters 19, 5689-5696 (2019).
7. "Growth Kinetics of Individual Au Spiky Nanoparticles Using Liquid-Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy", Wan-Gill Jung, Jeung Hun Park, Yong-Ryun Jo, and Bong-Joong Kim*; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 12601-12609 (2019).
8. "Growth Kinetics of Individual Co Particles Ex-solved on SrTi0.75Co0.25O3-δ Polycrystalline Perovskite Thin Films", Yong-Ryun Jo, Bonjae Koo, Min-Ji Seo, Jun Kyu Kim, Siwon Lee, Kyeounghak Kim, Jeong Woo Han, WooChul Jung, and Bong-Joong Kim*; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 41, 6690-6697 (2019).
9. "Enabling Simultaneous Extreme Ultra Low-k in Stiff, Resilient, and Thermally Stable Nano-Architected Materials", Max L. Lifson, Min-Woo Kim, Julia R. Greer*, and Bong-Joong Kim*; Nano Letters 17, 7737-7743 (2017).
10. "Real-Times Structural and Electrical Characterization of Metal-Insulator Transition in Strain-Modulated Single-Phase VO2 Wires with Controlled Diameters", Min-Woo Kim, Sung-Soo Ha, Okkyun Seo, Do Young Noh, and Bong-Joong Kim*; Nano Letters 16, 4074-4081 (2016).