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김경택 Kyung Taec Kim
  • LAB NAMEAttosecond Science Laboratory
  • E-MAILkyungtaec@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL062-715-2854
  • FAX062-715-2224
  • WEBSITE http://atto.gist.ac.kr/


  • Attosecond Science


  • 2008: Ph.D. in Dept. of Physics, KAIST
  • 2003: M.S. in Dept of Physics, KAIST
  • 2001: B.S. in Dept of Physics, Kyungwon University <br/>


  • 2019~present : Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics and Photon Science, GIST, Korea.
  • 2019~present: Associate director, Center for Relativistic Laser Science, IBS, Korea.
  • 2014~2018: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics and Photon Science, GIST & Group Leader of the Center for Relativistic Laser Science, IBS.
  • 2010~2014: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Joint Attosecond Science Laboratory, National Research Council in Canada.
  • 2008~2011: Senior Researcher, Advanced Photonics Research Institute, GIST, Korea.
  • 2007~2008: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Physics, KAIST, Korea. <br/>


  • 아토초 과학 연구실에서는 물질과 빛의 상호작용을 아토초의 시간 분해능으로 연구합니다. 물질이 빛과 상호작용할 때 전자의 움직임이 아주 중요한 역할을 합니다. 전자가 움직여 분자의 구조를 바꾸기도 하며, 전자의 움직임이 전자회로 내에서 신호를 전달하기도 합니다. 또한 전자가 아주 강력한 빛으로 가속되면 다시 엑스선 영역의 빛을 발생시키기도 합니다.
  • 아토초 과학 연구실에서는 초강력 펨토초 레이저를 이용해 아토초 엑스선 펄스를 생성, 원자 및 분자의 구조변화를 아토초의 시간 분해능으로 연구합니다. 이와 함께, 펨토초 레이저를 이용해 나노구조체 내의 전자를 조작해 새로운 개념의 전자회로 개발 가능성을 연구하고 있습니다. 또한, 초강력 펨토초 레이저를 이용해 상대론적인 영역까지 가속된 전자들로부터 생성되는 아토초 엑스선 펄스의 생성 및 측정에 대한 연구도 진행되고 있습니다.


  • 1. Hyeok Yun, Je Hoi Mun, Sung In Hwang, Seung Beom Park, Igor A. Ivanov, Chang Hee Nam, and Kyung Taec Kim, “Coherent extreme-ultraviolet emission generated through frustrated tunneling ionization,” Nature Photonics, 620-625(September 2018).

  • 2. Seung Beom Park, Kyungseung Kim, Wosik Cho, Sung In Hwang, Igor Ivanov, Chang Hee Nam and Kyung Taec Kim, “Direct Sampling of a light wave in air”, Optica, 402 (April 2018). This is the first TIPTOE paper. This idea has been commercialized by SourceLAB, Inc. (French company). https://www.sourcelab-plasma.com/laser-shaping/beam-shaping-catalog/TIPTOE/, https://www.sourcelab-plasma.com/laser-shaping/beam-shaping-catalog/TIPTOE/

  • 3. E. Balogh, C. Zhang, T. Ruchon, J. Hergott, F. Quere, P. Corkum, C. H. Nam and K. T. Kim, “Dynamic wavefront rotation in attosecond lighthouse”, Optica, 48-53 (January 2017).

  • 4. Kyung Taec Kim, D. M. Villeneuve, and P. B. Corkum, “Manipulating Quantum Paths for novel attosecond measurement methods”, Nature Photonics, 187-194 (February 2014).

  • 5. Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Andrew D. Shiner, Bruno Schmidt, François légaré, D. M. Villeneuve, and P. B. Corkum, “PHz optical oscilloscope”, Nature Photonics, 958-962 (November 2013).

  • 6. Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Thierry Ruchon, Jean-François Hergott, Thierry Auguste, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, and Fabien Quéré, “Photonic Streaking of Attosecond Pulse Trains”, Nature Photonics, 651-656 (July 2013). This work has been selected as a cover image of Nature Photonics August 2013 issue.

  • 7. Kyung Taec Kim, Chunmei Zhang, Andrew D. Shiner, Sean E. Kirkwood, Eugene Frumker, Genevieve Gariepy, Andrei Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve & P. B. Corkum, “Manipulating Quantum Paths for Space-time Characterization of Attosecond Pulses”, Nature Physics, 159-163 (January 2013). This work has been selected as a cover image of Nature Physics March 2013 issue. This work has been highlighted by Nature Photonics. Rachel Won, “Space–time characterization”, Nature Photonics 7, 263 (2013), doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.88.

  • 8. Kyung Taec Kim, Dong Hyuk Ko, Juyun Park, Nark Nyul Choi, Chul Min Kim, Kenichi L. Ishikawa, Jongmin Lee and Chang Hee Nam, “Amplitude and Phase Reconstruction of Electron Wave Packets for Probing Ultrafast Photoionization Dynamics,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 093001 (February 2012).

  • 9. Kyung Taec Kim, Kyung Sik Kang, Mi Na Park, Tayyab Imran, G. Umesh, and Chang Hee Nam, “Self-compression of attosecond high-order harmonic pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 223904 (November 2007).

  • 10. Kyung Taec Kim, Chul Min Kim, Moon-Gu Baik, G. Umesh, and Chang Hee Nam, “Single sub-50-attosecond pulse generation from chirp-compensated harmonic radiation using material dispersion,” Phy. Rev. A 69, 051805(R) (May 2004).
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