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Applied and Environmental Microbiology Lab.




허호길 Hur, Hor-Gil
  • LAB NAMEApplied and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, 응용환경미생물연구실
  • E-MAILhghur@gist.ac.kr
  • TEL062-715-2437
  • FAX062-715-2434
  • OFFICE지구환경공학동 403호
  • WEBSITE http://aeml.gist.ac.kr/


  • Biodegradation
  • Biotransformation
  • Geomicrobiology
  • Aquatic Microbiology


  • 1997 University of Minnesota (Ph.D. - Soil Microbiology)
  • 1989 Seoul National University (M.S. - Agricultural Chemistry)
  • 1987 Seoul National University (B.S. - Agricultural Chemistry)


  • 2010 - present, Professor, GIST
  • 2019. 02. 26 - 2019. 03. 05 Acting President, GIST
  • 2018. 08. 14 - 2018. 12. 11 Director of Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, GIST
  • 2018. 07. 01 - 2019. 03. 07 Director of GIST Academy, GIST
  • 2018. 07. 01 - 2019. 03. 07 Vice President of External Affairs and Development, GIST
  • 2017. 12. 01 - 2018. 12. 11 Director of Research, GIST
  • 2017. 01. 01 - 2017. 01. 31 Dean of Institute of Integrated Technology, GIST
  • 2017. 01. 01 - 2017. 01. 31 Dean of School of Integrated Technology, GIST
  • 2017. 01. 01 - 2019. 03. 07 Dean of Graduate School, GIST
  • 2017. 01. 01 - 2019. 03. 07 Vice President, GIST
  • 2015. 11. 23 - 2016. 12. 31 Dean of Institute of Integrated Technology, GIST
  • 2015. 11. 23 - 2016. 12. 31 Dean of School of Integrated Technology, GIST
  • 2015. 03. 05 - 2015. 03. 24 General Manager of Construction, GIST
  • 2012. 06. 18 - 2015. 03. 24 Dean of the Office of Planning and Budget, GIST
  • 2009. 06. 18 - 2012. 07. 18 Director of International Environmental Research Center
  • 2005. 02. 01 - 2005. 05. 05 Director of International Environmental Research Center
  • 2005 - 2010. 03 Associate Professor, GIST
  • 2003 - 2009. 06 Vice-Coordinator of UNU-GIST Joint Program on Science and Technology for Sustainability
  • 2002 - 2005 Assistant Professor, GIST
  • 2000 - 2002 Research Professor, Agricultural Biotechnology BK21, Seoul National University
  • 1998 - 2000 Post Doctoral Fellow, National Center for Toxicological Research, US FDA
  • 1997 - 1998 Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota


  • Korean Government Scholarship, Ministry of Education (1991-1994)
  • Award for Best 100 Research Products among 2007 National Research & Development Projects, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2008)
  • Award of Gi-Chang Science, The Korean Scociety for Applied Biological Chemistry (2011)
  • Ministerial Citation for Exellent Researcher, National Science and Technology Commission (2011)
  • Award for 'Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology' Best Editor, The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (2012)
  • Appreciation Plaque of 'The Korean Scociety for Applied Biological Chemistry' as the Head of Operation (2017)

Professional Activities

  • American Society for Microbiology, Editorial Board Member (2004 - )
  • The Korean Society for Microbiology & Biotechnology, Member (2000 - ) / JMB Editor (2007 - 2016) / Chairman for Division of Environmental Microbiology (2011 - 2012) / 환경미생물학술분과 기획간사 (2013 - 2015) / 환경미생물학술분과 부위원장 (2016 - )
  • The Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, Member (2000 - ) / JKABC Editor (2006 - ) / 호남, 제주 지회장 (2011 - 2012) / 편집부위원장 (2011 - 2014) / 국제위원장 (2013 - 2017) / 이사 (2013 - 2017) / 농업 환경 미생물 분과위원 (2013 - ) / 운영위원장 (2016 - 2017 ) / 부회장 (2018 - )
  • The Microbiological Society of Korea, Member (2000 - ) / 학술위원 (2009 - 2012)
  • Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Member
  • Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, Member
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