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21 [논문] Susceptibility of pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in mice with Cereblon gene knockout 생명의과학융합연구소 3 2020-09-30  
20 [논문] Molecular characterization of ligand selectivity of the Sex Peptide Receptors of Drosophila melanogaster and Aedes aegypti 생명의과학융합연구소 4 2020-09-21  
19 [논문] Normal fertility in male mice lacking ADAM32 with testis-specific expression 생명의과학융합연구소 2 2020-09-21  
18 [논문] Crystal Structure of β-Carbonic Anhydrase CafA from the Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus 생명의과학융합연구소 4 2020-09-18  
17 [논문] Tim-4 functions as a scavenger receptor for phagocytosis of exogenous particles 생명의과학융합연구소 2 2020-07-23  
16 [논문] Neurite growth of trigeminal ganglion neurons in vitro with near-infrared light irradiation 생명의과학융합연구소 8 2020-07-15  
15 [논문] The Tim gene family in efferocytosis 생명의과학융합연구소 6 2020-07-09  
14 [논문] Mertk Interacts with Tim-4 to Enhance Tim-4-Mediated Efferocytosis 생명의과학융합연구소 4 2020-07-06  
13 [논문] The Effects of Regulatory Lipids on Intracellular Membrane Fusion Mediated by Dynamin-Like GTPases 생명의과학융합연구소 5 2020-06-24  
12 [논문] S92 phosphorylation induces structural changes in the N-terminus domain of human mitochondrial calcium uniporter 생명의과학융합연구소 6 2020-06-04  
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