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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
41 [논문] HADF-Crowd: A hierarchical attention-based dense feature extraction network for single image crowd counting 생명의과학융합연구소 36 2021-05-17  
40 [논문] Licoricidin Abrogates T Cell Activation by Modulating PTPN1 Activity and Attenuates Atopic Dermatitis In Vivo 생명의과학융합연구소 26 2021-04-12  
39 [논문] Transgelin-2:a double-edged sword in immunity and cancer metastasis 생명의과학융합연구소 23 2021-04-08  
38 [논문] Cell-permeable transgelin-2 as a potent therapeutic for dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy 생명의과학융합연구소 16 2021-03-17  
37 [논문] Ablation of CRBN induces loss of type I collagen and SCH in mouse skin by fibroblast senescence via the p38 MAPK pathway 생명의과학융합연구소 18 2021-03-03  
36 [논문] A Systems Biology Approach to Investigating the Interaction between Serotonin Synthesis by Tryptophan Hydroxylase and the Metabolic Homeostasis 생명의과학융합연구소 21 2021-02-28  
35 [논문] Potentiating the Antitumor Activity of Cytotoxic T Cells via the Transmembrane Domain of IGSF4 That Increases TCR Avidity, Frontiers in immunology 생명의과학융합연구소 13 2021-02-01  
34 [논문] Methanol supply speeds up synthesis gas fermentation by methylotrophic-acetogenic bacterium, Eubacterium limosum KIST612 생명의과학융합연구소 16 2021-02-01  
33 [논문] The neuropeptide allatostatin C from clock-associated DN1p neurons generates the circadian rhythm for oogenesis 생명의과학융합연구소 36 2021-01-26  
32 [논문] Bifidobacterium bifidum strains synergize with immune checkpoint inhibitors to reduce tumour burden in mice 생명의과학융합연구소 22 2021-01-12  
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