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Turbulence in Hydro/Aerodynamics for Engineering-Oriented Research & TechnologY Lab.




게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
공지 Congratulations to 4 Awardees of GIST International Research Experience Fellowship (IREF) THEORY 163 2024-10-03  
25 Congratulations to 4 Awardees of GIST International Research Experience Fellowship (IREF) THEORY 163 2024-10-03  
24 We are recruiting! - Postdoctoral Fellow THEORY 234 2024-07-22  
23 We are recruiting! - PhD Candidates (PhD and MS/PhD Integrated Programs) THEORY 259 2024-07-22  
22 Best Paper Presentation Award - Jiseop Lim THEORY 448 2024-05-06 파일명 : 2023_KSME 우수논문상_임지섭.pdf
21 New Journal Article on Turbulence Modeling with AI THEORY 536 2024-03-28 파일명 : Heo_2024_AST_supersonic axisymmetric base flow_p1.pdf
20 Students' Interview in GIST ME Brochure THEORY 450 2024-02-27 파일명 : 박재현_임지섭_인터뷰_기계공학부_소개자료에서_발췌.pdf
19 Excellence Award - Congratulations Seoyeon Heo (허서연) !!! THEORY 934 2023-10-24 파일명 : 허서연_공학연구팀제_우수상.pdf
18 New Journal Article THEORY 456 2023-08-28 파일명 : YMPark_2023_PoF_Page1_Numerical study on interctional aerodynamics of a quadcopter in hover with overset mesh in OpenFOAM.pdf
17 Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Degree Program THEORY 298 2023-08-18 파일명 : Recruitment Process.pdf
16 ME UP 수상 - 김선수 은상, 김유수 동상 THEORY 1,327 2022-12-14 파일이 여러개 있음