EDUCATIONB.S., Dept Materials Science & Engineering, Jeonnam National University (02/2010)
M.S., Dept Materials Science & Engineering, Jeonnam National University (02/2012)
Ph.D., Dept Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST (02/2021)
WORK EXPERIENCE Korea Institute of Energy Research (04/2021~06/2023)
LG Energy Solution (07/2023~)
EDUCATIONB.S., Dept Materials Science & Engineering, Changwon National University (02/2019)
M.S., Dept Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST (08/2021)
WORK EXPERIENCE Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, KERI (09/2021~11/2021)
LG Energy Solution (11/2021~)
EDUCATIONB.S., Dept. Organic Materials and Fibers engineering, Chonbuk national university (02/2017)
M.S., Dept School of Integrated Technology, GIST (02/2019)
Ph.D., Dept Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST (02/2022)
EDUCATIONB.S., Dept Materials Science & Engineering, Hongik University (02/2018)
M.S., Dept School of Integrated Technology, GIST (02/2020)
Ph.D., Dept Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST (02/2023)
EDUCATIONB.S., Dept Materials Science & Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA (02/2021)
M.S., Dept Graduate School of Energy Convergence, GIST (02/2023)