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International Environmental Research Institute



Result for IERI Call for Research Proposals 2022

작성자International Environmental Research Institute  조회수1,255 Date2022-03-08
We'd like to say thank you for applying to the IERI call for research proposal 2022 for developing countries and for your patience regarding of delayed process.

After reviewing the research proposals with the designated committees, we have decided to proceed with the research projects below:

1. Assessments on Inter-relation between Forest Stand Density and Soil Nutrient Uptake: A Comparative Analyses of Different Land-use Regimes
2. Seasonal variation of microplastics in urban tropical surface water and the associated risks
3. GDM filtration technology for the treatment of domestic sewages in densely populated communities in Metro Manila
4. Investigating a gravity-driven membrane filtration system for supplying sustainable drinking water in rural communities of Cambodia impacted by climate change 
5. Application of Gravity Driven Membrane (GDM) Water Treatment System for Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water in Climate Change Vulnerable Areas in Thailand

Congratulation on your research fund. Each fund recipient must get an email from GIST/IERI regarding further procedures. If not, just inquire to Dr. Seah Kah Yee, IERI researcher (cary@gist.ac.kr) or (ieri@gist.ac.kr).
GISTGIST APCCAPCC Canaan Global Leadership CenterCanaan Global Leadership Center Asia Pacific Women's Information CenterAsia Pacific Women's Information Center UYO UNIV. ICEESRUYO UNIV. ICEESR