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Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory

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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
7 ACS Energy Letters (IF 19) accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 1,105 2021-02-01  
6 (2021.9) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 9) accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 1,061 2021-09-14  
5 (2023. 04) ACS Energy Letters (IF 24) accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 281 2023-04-19  
4 Our previous article highlighted in Energy Focus Virtual Issue in ACS Energy Letters Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 509 2023-05-19  
3 (2023.12) Energy Storage Materials (IF 20.4) accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 489 2023-12-13  
2 (2024.01) ACS Applied Energy Materials accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 486 2024-01-24  
1 (2024.03) Energy Storage Materials (IF 20.4) accepted. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 560 2024-03-07  
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