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Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory

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목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
공지 We are excited to welcome a PhD student, Young Hun Cho (조영훈), to the group! Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 738 2021-08-03  
11 2024 하반기 학부인턴생 모집 Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 542 2024-04-17  
10 Professor Yoo has been promoted to Associate Professor, effective March 2024. Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 530 2024-03-07
9 변진환 학생 (고진혁 학생 공동연구) 2022 추계 한국전기화학회 우수포스터상 수상 Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 599 2022-12-01  
8 이수빈 학생 대한화학회 전기화학분과 우수포스터상 수상 Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 1,003 2022-04-21
7 We are excited to welcome Younjee Lim and Jaehyung Kim as the new grad students of our research team! Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 454 2022-03-23  
6 Congratulations to Sung Won Kim Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 381 2022-02-18  
5 We are excited to welcome a PhD student, Young Hun Cho (조영훈), to the group! Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 738 2021-08-03  
4 Us at OEEML are thrilled to welcome JinHyuck Ko and Soobin Lee officially to the team! Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 982 2021-03-24  
3 We are thrilled to welcome Dahye Kim officially to the team! Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 833 2020-10-05  
2 Participating G-SURF summer research program Organic Electrochemistry and Energy Materials Laboratory 960 2020-06-28  
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