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  • [공지] GIST 분산제어및자동화시스템 연구실 대학원생 모집 - 인재상
  • [공지] GIST-삼성전자 자능형모터 TRACK 석사과정 학생 선발

Distributed Control and Autonomous Systems Lab.




IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control 2012

작성자광주과학기술원  조회수1,539 Date2012-10-18
PPT_MSC2012_kkoh.pdf [211.1 KB]
PPT_MSC2012_jhSon.pdf [1,642.4 KB]
ICCAS2011_ppt_sjlee.pdf [547.4 KB]
PPT_MSC2012_mcPark.pdf [150.9 KB]
PPT_MSC2012_son.pdf [727.3 KB]

2012 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control
Dubrovnik, Croatia
October 3-5, 2012


"Local Asymptotic Convergence of a Cycle-free Persistent Formation of Double-integrators in Three-dimensional Space"
Kwang-Kyo Oh and Hyo-Sung Ahn
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


"Bio-insect and Artificial Robot Interaction using Cooperative Reinforcement Learning"
Ji-Hwan Son and Hyo-Sung Ahn
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


"Output Synchronization of Multi-machine Power System Using Dissipative Hamiltonian Realization"
Seung-Ju Lee and Hyo-Sung Ahn
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


"Control of Inter-agent Distances in Cyclic Polygon Formations"
Myoung-Chul Park, Byeong-Yeon Kim, Kwang-Kyo Oh and Hyo-Sung Ahn
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)


"Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Uncertain Reference Points"
Tong Duy Son and Hyo-Sung Ahn

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

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