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Immune Synapse & Cell Therapy Laboratory


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번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
10 2011_12_12 Monday Journal 전체관리자 25 2012-02-01 파일명 : ML1419c peptide.pdf
9 2011_12_05 Monday Journal 전체관리자 25 2012-02-01  
8 2011_11_21 Monday Journal 전체관리자 27 2012-02-01 파일명 : Identification of a unique double-negative regulatory T-cell population.pdf
7 2011_11_14 Monday Journal 전체관리자 24 2012-02-01 파일명 : Live cell imaging reveals that the inhibitory FcgammaRIIB destabilizes B cell receptor membrane-lipid interactions and blocks immune synapse formation..pdf
6 2011_11_07 Monday Journal 전체관리자 18 2012-02-01 파일명 : Vav-1 Mediated Scaffolding Interactions Stablize SLP-76 Microclusters and contribute to Antigen-Dependent T cell response.pdf
5 2011_10_26 Monday Journal 전체관리자 24 2012-02-01 파일명 : Extracellular isoforms of CD6 Generated by Alternative splicing Regulate targeting of CD6 to the Immunological synapse.pdf
4 2011_10_17 Monday Journal 전체관리자 25 2012-02-01 파일명 : T cells dampen innate immune responses through inhibition of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes.pdf
3 2011_10_10 Monday Journal 전체관리자 24 2012-02-01 파일명 : Dendritic cells in Lupus are not required for Activation of T and B cells but promote Their Expansion, Resulting in Tissue Damage.pdf
2 2011_10_05 Monday Journal 전체관리자 24 2012-02-01 파일명 : Increased sensitivity of Antigen-Experienced T cells through the Enrichment of oligomeric T cell receptor complexes..pdf
1 2011_09_26 Monday Journal 전체관리자 21 2012-01-30 파일명 : 2011_09_26.pdf
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