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공지 [산학연 특강] 2024-2학기 일정 및 주제 안내 (*10월 1일 임시공휴일에 따른 일정 변동사항 반영) 신소재공학부 216 2024-09-10 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 산학연특강 포스터.jpg
공지 Colloquium Schedule(2024 Fall Semester) 신소재공학부 264 2024-08-22 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 콜로키움 포스터.jpg
375 [Seminar] 2019.08.09.(Fri) 11:00~/Athanasia Amanda Septevani, Ph.D(LIPI) 신소재공학부 341 2019-08-01  
374 [Colloquium-03]2019.4.4.(Thur) 16:00~/Prof. Lee, Sin-Doo(Seoul National University) 신소재공학부 964 2019-04-03  
373 [Colloquium-02]2019.03.21.(Thur) 16:00~/Prof. Kim, Sang Ouk (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, KAIST) 신소재공학부 420 2019-03-20  
372 [Tutorial Lecture]Prof.Martin Heeney((Imperial College London))/2019.03.21.(Thur.) 신소재공학부 413 2019-03-20  
371 [Seminar] 2019.03.15.(Fri) 14:00~/Prof. Wei You (Department of Chemistry,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 신소재공학부 314 2019-03-14  
370 Colloquium Schedual(2019 Spring Semester) 신소재공학부 175 2019-03-14  
369 [Colloquium-01]2019.03.14.(Thur) 16:00~/Prof. Kim, Hyungjun (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University) 신소재공학부 146 2019-03-07  
368 [Seminar] 2019.03.13.(Wed) 16:30~/Prof. Koh, Ahyeon(Department of biomedical Engineering, State University of New York-Binghamton University) 신소재공학부 134 2019-03-05  
367 Seminar) Application of nano-architectured scaffolds for tissue regeneration 전체관리자 166 2018-06-14  
366 Seminar) Injectable Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine 전체관리자 68 2018-06-12