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공지 [산학연 특강] 2024-2학기 일정 및 주제 안내 (*10월 1일 임시공휴일에 따른 일정 변동사항 반영) 신소재공학부 216 2024-09-10 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 산학연특강 포스터.jpg
공지 Colloquium Schedule(2024 Fall Semester) 신소재공학부 265 2024-08-22 파일명 : 2024-2 Fall Semester 콜로키움 포스터.jpg
275 seminar) Design and Characterization of Electrode Materials for Li-Ion and Li-S Batteries 전체관리자 8 2016-07-21  
274 seminar) Oxide-Supported Ir oxide particles as Efficient, Cost-Effective, and stable Catalysts for Water Splitting 전체관리자 11 2016-07-19  
273 seminar) Device Engineering in Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells: Interface Modification, Morphology Control, and Device Architecture Design 전체관리자 9 2016-07-15  
272 seminar) LG전자 R&D 추진 전략 및 소재기술원 소개 전체관리자 8 2016-07-14  
271 seminar) Preparation and Application of Hyperbranched Polymers 전체관리자 10 2016-07-13  
270 seminar) Electrocatalysis for Energy Conversions: Fundamental understanding of catalysis and new material design 전체관리자 7 2016-07-12  
269 colloquium) Foldable and Rollable Displays 전체관리자 1 2016-06-09  
268 colloquium) Naked eye detection of cancer cells by liquid crystal droplets 전체관리자 1 2016-06-02  
267 seminar) Development of Silicon Oxide Resistive and Nanoporous Memory System 전체관리자 5 2016-06-01  
266 seminar) Two-dimensional materials and their van der Waals heterostructures 전체관리자 5 2016-06-01