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목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
27 [2014/07/02]15:00-16:30, Detection in the Presence of Jamming, and Modulation Classification with Limited Channel Information, 전체관리자 1 2015-06-30  
26 [2014/06/05] 16:00-17:00, Learning Feature Representations for Content-based Music Classification, Dr.Juhan Nam [Language: Kore 전체관리자 1 2015-06-30  
25 [2014/06/02] (Mon) 16:00-17:30, Introduction to Physical Layer Security, Dr.Jeongseok Ha [Language: Korean] 전체관리자 2 2015-06-30 파일명 : Abstract-Bio_Jeongseok+Ha_KAIST.docx
24 [2014/05/22]16:00-17:00, ICT-based Collaboration Research for Safety Living and Healthy Society, Dr.Ramesh R. Rao [Language: En 전체관리자 1 2015-06-30 파일명 : RRaoCV.pdf
23 [2014/05/20] SIC Seminar:16:00-17:00, Elucidating transcriptional regulation of nitrogen metabolism with systems approaches, Dr 전체관리자 902 2015-06-30 파일이 여러개 있음
22 [2014/05/09] Bitmap Algorithms and its Networking Applications 전체관리자 0 2015-06-30  
21 [2014/03/03] Iterative Decoding for LDPC codes and its application to rateless codes, Dr. Sooyoung Kim 전체관리자 1 2015-06-30  
20 [2014/02/25] Human Computer Interaction with (1) Laser Pointer and (2) Kinect Sensor, Dr. Jungpil Shin 전체관리자 0 2015-06-30  
19 2/5(Wed) 14:00-15:00, BigData in Medicine, Dr. Jinwook Choi [Language: Korean] 전체관리자 0 2015-06-30  
18 1/20(Mon) 14:00-15:00 Several Madalities of Neuronal Signal for Brain Machine Interface, Dr. Jeong-Woo Sohn [Language: Korean] 전체관리자 0 2015-06-30