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모빌리티 지능화 및 제어 연구실

Electronic stability control of a CAEV

Problem to solve
- Developing a dynamics controller that enables CAEVs to accurately follow the planned behavior under various operating conditions

Figure 1. Concept of electronic stability control

Technical challenges
- Addressing uncertainties associated with the vehicle dynamics model, particularly the tire model
- Developing a dynamics controller capable of maintaining the stability of CAEVs even under dynamic operations or unfavorable road conditions
- Solving the nonconvex optimization problem in real-time, considering constraints and computational limitations

Specific research topics
- Developing a tire model-free electronic stability controller for CAEVs
- Designing a safe learning framework for electronic stability control of CAEVs that can guarantee stability and optimality
- Validating the effectiveness of the developed controller in real-world driving scenarios

Experimental setup

Figure 2. Experimental setup

Control and AI techniques used in research
- Model predictive control (MPC) techniques
- Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms
- Combination of MPC and RL techniques
- Numerical optimization algorithms

Expected results
- The developed controller will enable electronic stability control of a CAEV without requiring a lengthy period of experimental calibration. This is achieved through its desirable feature of guaranteeing stability even in the absence of precise knowledge of the exact vehicle dynamics model.

Relevant references
- M. Choi, K. Choi, M. Cho, M. Lee, and K.-S. Kim*, “Chattering reduction of sliding mode control via nonlinear disturbance observer for anti-lock braking system and verification with CarSim simulation,” International Journal of Automotive Technology, vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1141-1149, 2023.

Relevant research projects or grants
전기자동차의 최적 동력 분배 및 회수 전략 기초 연구I (㈜퓨처이브이, 2022 - 2023)