2023 Recruitment of GIST mentoring program(mentees/mentors)
 The GIST Mentoring Program is a program to help freshmen who have difficulty learning 
subjects such as math and science adapt well to college life.  We hope to contribute to the 
improvement of new students' learning ability and adaptation to college life by operating a 
program where seniors can mentor juniors who need help not only in completing basic subjects 
but also in overall college life, so we expect interested students to participate.
1. Qualification for application
2nd to 4th graders who can directly help 
the demand for mentees(In the case of 
basic subjects, the grade of the subject 
must be A0 or higher, and must be 
qualified to lead the mentee's learning)
First-year students who need help in 
completing basic courses and living a 
smooth college life
      ※ Excluding application for leave of absence (or scheduled person) 
      - Students who can be on campus during the period 
      - Students who are active, diligent, and responsible for their roles
2. Program Overview  
     - Application field
・ Multivariable Calculus and Applications
・ Single Variable Calculus and Applications
・ Differential Equations and Applications 
・ Introduction to Linear Algebra and Applications
・ Computer programming
・ General biology
・ General physics
・ General chemistry
      - Teaming up: After receiving the application form, the mentee will be matched with the 
appropriate mentor in consideration of the application field, etc 
                  (It can consist of 1:1 to 1:n and can vary considering the number of 
     - PeriodOperation for the 2nd semester in 2023 (9th September ~ 8th December)
     - Contents: Mentors should conduct classes according to the learning plan, and in 
principle, they should conduct a total of 12 classes during the activity period, 
at least twice a month, and at least 2 hours each time.
3. How to apply
     - Application period21st August ~ 1st September (Fri) until 6 P.M.
     - Application method: Fill out the application form and submit the application by e-mail 
(E-mail: idhong@gist.ac.kr
                  ※ Mail Title: [GIST Mentoring Program_mentor/mentee] Student Number/Name 
      - Mentors must fill out the mentor application form and mentees must fill out the mentee 
        application form
      - Submission of transcripts: The mentor must submit a transcript to verify the         
        qualifications of the mentor and the submitted documents will not be returned
4. Selection method
  가. Selection team10 teams(total)
  나. Selection criteriaComprehensive evaluation of application motivation, mentor/mentor     
      suitability, willingness to participate, etc. based on the application received
    - Elimination if judged to be unqualified
  다. Selection benefit
    - a mentor's scholarship: 250,000won/a month
       (Total 3months, 9th September ~ 8th December)
      ※ Monthly review of Mentor/Mentee's activity reports and feedback must be required
    - Best Mentor/Mentee Selection: Review activity reports, feedback on activity results, etc. to  
       select one person each
      ※ Best Mentor/Mentee Selection: Review activity reports, feedback on activity results, etc. 
         to select one person each
    - Post-Commercial Contest: Selection of 2 best post-commercial teams
  라. Announcement of Results6th September,(scheduled) (Can be changed according to the  
      selected schedule, Individual mail will be sent) 
  마. Orientation, Mentor/mentee contest
    - Orientation8th September (Fri) 11:00 A.M.
    - Mentor/mentee contest:  Early October, early November scheduled
      ※ Depending on the schedule, it can be replaced by distributing information, and if you 
do not attend the event, the selection may be canceled.  
5. Contact information and Notice
  가. InquiryCenter for Future Education, T.062-715-6651 
             (E-mail: idhong@gist.ac.kr)         
  나. Important notification to check
    - Where the number of applicants does not meet the selection criteria, less than the 
number of applicants may be selected
    - Measures such as reading grades may be taken to confirm documents submitted by 
mentors/mentees and qualifications, and submitted documents shall not be returned 
    - For all information during the semester, use mobile text messages and e-mail
    - Mentors must prepare activity reports after each class and submit them to the learning 
management assistant every month, submit results reports after the activity, and respond 
to the program satisfaction survey
    - If a participant fails to fulfill his/her activities, gives up, fails to meet standards, or 
causes controversy against social norms, he/she shall not be able to pay support for 
activities, benefits, etc. and may be canceled
    - Participant's portrait rights and other rights belong to the GIST
    - The schedule and plan of the announcement may vary depending on the situation